By Langdon - 15/05/2009 07:08 - United States

Today, I went to the midnight premiere of Angels and Demons. A hobo wandered into the theater and sat down behind me. I paid $10 to spend two and a half hours listening to a crazy man talk to himself and kick my chair while he loudly masturbated. FML
I agree, your life sucks 58 782
You deserved it 9 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe get him kicked out? Idiot...

WickedAwsum 0

Well #1, we don't like you. You could have gotten a person who worked there to get him removed or something, or move seats?


dyingstart 0

It's not your fault Tom Hanks is sexy! To all the people who asked why the OP didn't move, think about it. This was a highly anticipated movie, and they were at the midnight premier...I'm pretty sure it was sold out and there was nowhere to move.

okenter 0

What the hell?! You SAT THERE for 2 1/2 hours, instead of complaining, moving, or leaving and demanding tickets to a new showing? YDI for being such a passive twerp. If half the people on FML actually took simple steps to improve their situations, this site would be so much better.

Rawrrr14 0

Why didn't you leave? or get him kicked out? I mean there were probably little kids in that movie. I can't believe nobody did anything! That's basically sending the message "Hey, come on in, were a movie theater, we wanna hear you **********!" There are some messed up people out there......

mcbeth 0

where are you people live that they just let homeless people walk into a movie theatre? i say FYL for living in a shitty place

Eww I agree with a lot of the other commenters- where was the usher? Why didn't you get staff to kick his ass out? Next time take control of the situation!

So you like the cum on the back of your neck?

YOU ARE A DUMBASS AND DESERVED THAT THEN i work at a movie theater, if you go and fricken tell someone that a)there someone in there that shouln't be or b) they are doing something sexual. they will get kicked out no matter what and in the B, we call the cops. are you that fricken lazy to go and report it to someone? ugh. and if this is even real, then your theater is crap, because i think people would notice if someone walked into the theater, no ticket and just goes into the movie. the doors should have been locked by then. so no one else could enter the building and if not that there are still people working because of the screening, i'm sure they would have noticed him come in. i still stick with that you are a complete dumbass

this is just like the one who saw the wolverine premiere.. why can't people be original??

Bah, I didn't remember the differences of last time. Just thought it was the same. Sorry. Anyway, I still call BS... D