By sherryberry2013 - 10/06/2011 23:42 - United States

Today, I went to the movies with my boyfriend. As we got to the ticket booth, a couple of girls queued behind us. My boyfriend graciously introduced me as his little sister, and invited the girls to join us. We've been together for two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 572
You deserved it 7 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jennifer93 0

you shouldve started making out with him and then said "he's into incest, sorry ladies"


lovekills_slowly 0

dude i totally agree with #284, what an asshole, you should have knocked that guy out!!!!

he shouldn't have invited those girls in the first place!!

Lovelygurl1497 0

OMG I'm so sorry:( god if my boyfriend did that I'd slap him in the face!!!!

I'm sorry... I can't help but find this absolutely hilarious! I mean Wow! "Graviously introduced me as his little sister." Seriously though, if your boyfriend is the type to make almost out-of-line jokes like that, then you should learn/know how to fire it right back, like some of the comebacks commentors have suggested. And if he wasn't just joking or you don't appreciate his sense of humor, break up with him- Done.

You're the stupid one for still going with them...Ydi for sure!

if he got any farther than saying sister than that is your own fault for accepting it

obrien813 6

WTF???? What a Dick!!! Get rid of his ass!!!

gemmyfay 0

tell him incest is wrong and dump him. u deserve better