By sherryberry2013 - 10/06/2011 23:42 - United States

Today, I went to the movies with my boyfriend. As we got to the ticket booth, a couple of girls queued behind us. My boyfriend graciously introduced me as his little sister, and invited the girls to join us. We've been together for two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 572
You deserved it 7 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jennifer93 0

you shouldve started making out with him and then said "he's into incest, sorry ladies"


Brit_The_Dino 0

You have got to be kidding me! What a pig. I would have kick him where the 'sun don't shine' and said "I hope you enjoy your evening." uhg. I hope you broke up with him because he soooo isn't worth your time.

roxan_richie 0

Wow if my bf ever did that he'd get a swift kick to the nuts n id leave with the girls :) but he knows better. Come on ladies NEVER settle for less

I don't think anyone could consider the fact he might be joking. lol get a life people.

well if that's not a sign to dump his worthless ass I don't know what is.

crazyrainbow 0

that story just screams "DUMP HIM!!!" he is a loser if he isn't proud to be with you and only you he is a man *****!

Wow...are you serious comment people? The bf is hilarioussssssssssssssssssssssss....this is a genius move, i'm doing it =p

Then you're getting dumped! Hitting on another girl/girls in front of your gf won't make her wanna continue with the relationship.

butterflyz1961 2

Please. He would have been sitting with them without me, cause I would left his ass.

I hope you dump the asshole. >.>

xOashleymarie 0