By sherryberry2013 - 10/06/2011 23:42 - United States

Today, I went to the movies with my boyfriend. As we got to the ticket booth, a couple of girls queued behind us. My boyfriend graciously introduced me as his little sister, and invited the girls to join us. We've been together for two years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 55 572
You deserved it 7 072

Same thing different taste

Top comments

jennifer93 0

you shouldve started making out with him and then said "he's into incest, sorry ladies"


AppleBaby 0

You should break up with him he should be freaking proud to even call you gf dump him.

What an idiot. Is hi s name peter?? Cuz it's a cheaters name

Go up to a group of guys and say "Hi, this is my big brother!". I think that will give him the message.

Well u should of invited some guys as well

DeadRob 13

kick his ass to the curb get a new better man :) not al guys r assholes atleast ive been told by many girls im not. i hate players thats y im not one, ur ex atleast he better be ur ex is an asshole player.

And you're still with the dick why? Duh!!!