By Bob - 22/11/2011 18:06 - United States

Today, I went to the orthodontist. The lady took a break and went to use the restroom. Apparently she didn't bother to take her gloves off, and they smelled like straight up pee. She had her hands in my mouth for over an hour. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 588
You deserved it 8 473

Same thing different taste


x_xSublime 0

Maybe OP is too sheepish to make a scene about it.... But I think you still deserve it for not saying anything, I hope you brush, and rinse well.

Mourningstar 4

Soooo, why didn't you say something?!?

Pee is waste you could get really sick from that. YDI for not saying anything

chels1994 11

I don't even care, I would have gotten up and screamed (if possible) cuz that's absolutely disgusting

jennt89 10

you deserved it for not calling her out.

Why didnt u say- Ummm don't mean to be rude but get your ******* hand out of my mouth!

You should have told him/her off!! That's nasty..

Umm, just guessing by the word "lady" that it was a her. ( you see, I can say that because where I am from "lady" generally refers to females and I am presuming it to be the same universally.)