By dentistvictim - 16/10/2009 07:27 - Norway

Today, I went to the school dentist for the yearly routine check. She took ages trying to clean out my teeth with the metal toothpick-thing, constantly hitting my gums. After half an hour of pain and spitting blood, she looks up and says, laughing: "Oh, I forgot to put my glasses on". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 779
You deserved it 2 730

Same thing different taste

Top comments

geez, if you have calculus on your teeth that's a really serious problem. but if it gets to the point that you have trigonometry on your teeth, you may need dentures.

If she pokes your gum again, violently jerk your head up and smack her in the nose, and claim the sharp pain surprised you. But no, really, give her a dirty look. Passive-aggressive glare vibes - looks that can kill.


arsenicstandard 0

Such an act of malpractice in the field of dentistry should be shot-down with a legal reprimand on the Dentist's name. For such a vile act, you may be able to even have that dentist put out of work by strippin her of her license to practice.

jchansfan 0

Demented Evil Nasty Terrible Infamous Sick Twisted Just saying... Dentists are evil... :P

zander09 0

Stop bitching. At least you have a school dentist.

Haha, just because someone has a degree doesn't mean it's perfect.

perdix 29

How do you cup female genitalia? Edu-ma-cate me, please.

Kristoffer 35

"haha Oh I forgot to not sue you for malpractice!"

perdix 29

I was thinking that, but I wouldn't call it a "cup."

reality82 0

Two things. One you are supposed to visit the dentist at least every 6 months. So you're ******* disgusting and your breath is probably terrible. Two why would you ever go to a student dentistry. It's about as winning a choice as going to a hair school for a hair cut, they will always **** you up. Pay for your dental care and get it done twice a year jack ass.

I'm pretty sure you're the dumbass here. 1. Not every single country in the world has the same ideas towards oral healthcare as your place. Just because the WHO says every 6 months, doesn't mean everyone has to follow them. 2. Frequency of attendance to a dentist has absolutely no bearing on how good or bad someone's oral health is, so stfu. 3. It's not a student dentist, it's a dentist for the school he attends, learn to read, asswipe. 4. Screw you for making me argue over the internet.