By dentistvictim - 16/10/2009 07:27 - Norway

Today, I went to the school dentist for the yearly routine check. She took ages trying to clean out my teeth with the metal toothpick-thing, constantly hitting my gums. After half an hour of pain and spitting blood, she looks up and says, laughing: "Oh, I forgot to put my glasses on". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 767
You deserved it 2 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

geez, if you have calculus on your teeth that's a really serious problem. but if it gets to the point that you have trigonometry on your teeth, you may need dentures.

If she pokes your gum again, violently jerk your head up and smack her in the nose, and claim the sharp pain surprised you. But no, really, give her a dirty look. Passive-aggressive glare vibes - looks that can kill.


Sure greier.. Skoletannleger sugde for 30 år siden da jeg gikk der, og de suker tydeligvis enda! Du har min sympati. :)

mojo143 0

aw, I know how that feels. And you try to say something but the dentist is to busy working inside your mouth that if you try and and murmur something they'll make you bleed in like a million other places. -former survivor of braces.

perdix 29

I'm gonna get a whole 'nother degree behind my name learnin' from you! ;) EDIT: Responding to mercyFML (#40)

I think I'm starting to get scared of dentists and surgeons and all that.. o.O

Well everyone who does not like the OP using 'used ages' in their post should notice they're from Norway. I do not think you'd like them to bitch at you every time you got a small mistake in your second—third maybe—language. He probably used that construction as in 'the dentist used ages of his time'. As for the anti-socialist remarks—socialism is not an extremely bad thing. If it was a proper dentists' clinic rather than a small medical room somewhere in the school the dentist probably would be better trained. Just because the school's dentist is not perfect—or maybe the reason the OP went there was because he had something like toothache within school premises—does not mean that even outside of school socialism and universal health care is an utter failure. Sorry to hear that OP. Just remember to look after your teeth, it might stop these unfortunate scenarios repeating! :D