By dentistvictim - 16/10/2009 07:27 - Norway

Today, I went to the school dentist for the yearly routine check. She took ages trying to clean out my teeth with the metal toothpick-thing, constantly hitting my gums. After half an hour of pain and spitting blood, she looks up and says, laughing: "Oh, I forgot to put my glasses on". FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 767
You deserved it 2 725

Same thing different taste

Top comments

geez, if you have calculus on your teeth that's a really serious problem. but if it gets to the point that you have trigonometry on your teeth, you may need dentures.

If she pokes your gum again, violently jerk your head up and smack her in the nose, and claim the sharp pain surprised you. But no, really, give her a dirty look. Passive-aggressive glare vibes - looks that can kill.


Hurray for universal healthcare... pause not.

who the **** thinks the way OP used "took ages" is wrong? that's a pretty common expression in the US and obviously elsewhere too, ya bunch of grammar nazi fails.

t00thf4iry09 0

yeah...she most likely meant her safety glasses? i think she would know if she couldn't see...and maybe if you brushed and flossed it wouldn't have hurt. and the scaler aka the "metal toothpick thing" goes under your gums. get over it.

ironhulk_fml 0

hahahaha i hope u raised some hell for that

ive never heard of a school dentist...

smith314 0

and I say to the dentist, laughing "Oh! I forgot! you're suspended without pay."

also having a dentalcare better than most countries is nothing to write home about

haha, that SUCKS! once, when i was at the dentist, the lady giving me a cavity (while drilling my teeth, mind you) gave a big yawn and said "i'm so tired! i got 4 hours of sleep last night". and the water squirter was broken, so every time they used it, it spit water at my face. that was a fun hour and a half.

whoops! i meant filling my cavity, not giving me 1! lol