By busybee - 10/05/2009 03:38 - United States

Today, I went to the zoo with a guy I like, when we were there we saw a swarm of bees. I told him that if I got stung he would have to watch me because my dad is deathly allergic to bees and I have never been stung. Jokingly, he nudged me into the bush and said "let's see". We did. I'm allergic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 65 755
You deserved it 5 835

Same thing different taste

Top comments

PLEASE tell me you don't like him any more. Kick him in the chuckies.

AK 2

What an asshole. Even if you weren't allergic that would still have sucked. Seriously, what the hell? "Look, there's a swarm of bees! Let's jump in and see if you're allergic or not!"


#12 - OP has to make sure he's allergic to hard landings

FYL ha ha. But I guess in the long run it was better finding out you were allergic while supervised rather than not..

Fake or you've been stung before and don't remember. You cannot develop an anaphylactic reaction to something "just because my dad's allergic," you personally have to have been exposed previously.

Elisabetha Aarron 18

Please actually do research before your post on the internet

jen_kay 0

yep, hes a keeper. Whata a jerk.

Hey, at least you know your allergic to bees, now you may not go into outer space with bees.. or.. a deserted island with no way off with just yourself and bees.. or something..

...Even if you -weren't- allergic, that's an -insane- thing to do to someone... good -grief-.

boreddd 0

You should of pushed him into the lion cage....before feeding they'd be happy, eating some 'stupid prick' for lunch =] although I realise you might not have had time for that between being pushed in and the reaction, in which case #12 I like your thinking =]

Curtieeeez 0

Tell him you'll forgive him if he marries you :3

seriously? that's not how this goes, I wouldn't want to marry someone who is willing to just push me into something dangerous