By Anonymous - 17/09/2015 17:28 - United States - Macon

Today, I went to visit my senile grandma, since she's ill and nobody else in the family visits her. I ended up having to sit through a long rant about the Illuminati, black people, and how we'd have a cure for the common cold already if it weren't for "those god damned foreigners". FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 347
You deserved it 2 450

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Good on you for visiting her anyway OP, its nice that you took time out to see her even with all of her prejudices and such.

I'm sure she appreciated your presence, since no one else see her.


bearkoda 11

My great grandma likes to lecture me on how since I'm studying abroad I'm abandoning my family and making it very hard to find a very nice Christian (Seventh Day Adventist actually) boy. whoops, I'm bi, not religious, and am committing pre marital sex.. I'm going to Hell!

hey, don't complain about visiting your grandmother regardless of how crazy she is

ambersayshii123 17

Hey, it just means more inheritance money for you since no one else seems to care. XD XD