By torturedears - 05/04/2013 04:20 - United States - Beverly Hills

Today, I went to work at a hotel. One of the guests decided to play the piano in the lobby. He's deaf. Unfortunately, I'm not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 368
You deserved it 6 663

Same thing different taste

Top comments

*Prepares for flood of Beethoven comments*

Wizardo 33

Some just can't Handel the music, don't worry it'll be Bach.


I'd be putting them out of their misery wouldn't I? *laughs evilly*

Ok this was supposed to reply to a comment. Idek how to delete this.

He probably heard of Beethoven and he wants to be like him, except that he sucks at it. OP, let the man have some joy for 30 minutes, then write him a polite note, telling him the other guests are complaining, and that he could play the piano again tomorrow. Btw.. Piano in a hotel room?

I love how people act like they know it all with their smart comments

*Switches from Beethoven to Helen Keller*

He could just be learning to play, Beethoven was deaf and is one of the greatest composers of all time. It wouldn't surprise me at all if this person was inspired by that fact and now wishes to play music. It's a lot harder to learn how to play when you can't hear your mistakes. It might sound horrible, but it's not going to kill you to suck it up.

One of the funniest ones that I ever read in day. I can imagine how it sucked your day.

Op was implying that the music was terrible. I think the guest felt bad that they can't hear music and because of that wanted to feel like they could play a piano so the guest played it unless that guest is just one of those people who does random stupid things like peeing on a plant because the bathroom is too far. The bathroom would be right next to the plant.

Lol, I came here to say exactly that, you beat me to it...