By ironik970 - 17/09/2011 06:56 - United States

Today, I will be sleeping in my aunt and uncle's living room. It is 90 degrees. There is an air conditioner but if you turn it on, the raccoons living in the wall will get pissed off and try to claw through the wall. Only five more nights sweating my balls off or imagining racoons having angry sex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 541
You deserved it 2 793

ironik970 tells us more.

ironik970 13

OP here, I can kill a raccoon if it "comes after me" but all of the animal grunting and weird sounds emitting from the walls just paint an image of frightening animal sex in my mind. By the way its the only room on the floor so it's not coming from the room next door.

Top comments

.. You know you like it. You and your ***********.

jillianmathers12 13

Some guy died because he tried to have sex with raccoons on 1000 Ways to Die


fez667 0

id turn it on for fun... probably get attacked by dam coons but theyre pretty easy to kick

I'm a raccoon, and this has been the best raccoon week of my life..

Wow, six nights? You poor thing. Try living in Australia and enduring every single Summer day and night without an aircon. I'm 17 and this is the first year that my family has ever had an air conditioner. By the way, the temperature here has gotten past 42 degrees Celsius, which is like 108 Fahrenheit. You'll survive

shannon6 3

Turn on the AC and put headphones in. Tada! :)

XxDancerGirlxX 17

Use the air conditioner! **** the raccoons let them have angry sex, the ac will drown it out.

MsMeiriona 2

Why the hell are the raccoons being allowed to live in the wall in the first place? Did no one think to call animal control?

**** that shit. Turn the ac on and when they try to come out the wall hit them with something.

DreBeezy 9

Lol no didnt he get high off of drugs and thought he saw furries having sex so he tried to join in and it was actually a real bear he tried to hook up with it?