By ironik970 - 17/09/2011 06:56 - United States
By ironik970 - 17/09/2011 06:56 - United States
OP here, I can kill a raccoon if it "comes after me" but all of the animal grunting and weird sounds emitting from the walls just paint an image of frightening animal sex in my mind. By the way its the only room on the floor so it's not coming from the room next door.
Forget the raccoons I would turn that shit on! Or call the damn animal control!
OneRepublic tweeted this :D
Why is there raccoons in the wall?
Angry beaver sex interesting! Here's some advice FIND A MOTEL!! a roach motel would be better than that!!!
Maybe if you piss them off enough they'll leave.
.. You know you like it. You and your ***********.
Some guy died because he tried to have sex with raccoons on 1000 Ways to Die