By MegGRRRz - 28/11/2009 15:33 - United States

Today, I woke up and took my mom to work. It wasn't until after I got home, logged on Facebook and looked at the upcoming birthdays to see that it was her birthday today. No wonder she was silent the entire car ride and slammed the door on the way out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 828
You deserved it 57 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is when you bake a big cake and tell her you were only pretending to forget. You can recover!

Quick, you have a couple of hours to arrange a mini surprise party!!


loser, if u don't even remember about your mom's birthday

Panther_fml 0

why should she have to hint her birthday. YDI for being a horrible person.

YDI for having ur mom as a friend on facebook.

splicer 0

your mom has a facebook? how sad

you, sir, are a genuine ******* retard.

people these days are far too reliant on computers for EVERYTHING. you should know your mom's birthday, 'nuff said.

you need facebook to remind you it's your mothers birthday? what an ass.

Nyankat5 0

I think it's a bit sad that you have to look on FB too remember your own mothers b-day.YDI.

wow, you have to care about your mother.

Hope you gave her a surprise treat in the evening :) It happens that we forget a birthday... but this does not mean we dnt love that person.