By In urgent need of a new roommate - 26/03/2014 23:44 - United States - West Linn

Today, I woke up at 3:00 am to the sound of a bird screeching. Turns out, my roommate bought a parrot without consulting me first. Even better, my roommate expects me to pay for half of the bird's expenses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 549
You deserved it 3 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acerredrum 23

Tell him okay but when you move out you expect half the bird.

DrownedMyFish 18

Hopefully you toucan settle this situation without it getting anymore hawkward than it already is.


Aleyarie 11

My roommate does this all the time (without asking me OR our landlady, then expecting me to pay for food/care and take care of it when she leaves for weeks at a time for 'family visits'). First, it was fish. We had THIRTY fish at one point. Of course, she then got bored. So, she gave away the fish. Second she wanted (two) rats and she managed to get those through "I need them for my science class", kept them for about 4 months before getting bored, and gave them away as feeder rats. Then there were three geckos, a puppy, a pigeon (I don't understand this one), another puppy, and now she is stuck on having a red tailed boa. I have no idea what to do with her.

skyeyez9 24

Get a new roommate or come to a pet agreement. It sounds like you went along with it if so YDI and need to just deal.

Moving out (or kicking her out) might not be a bad idea.

veritoswty6 14

I wouldn't pay a cent if I were to be in that situation. If he/she wants a pet well that's his/her problem and his/her responsibility and not mine!

Um no. What a jerk. I'm sorry that happened. Good luck with that.

Tell him also he has to cover the cage at night to signify to the bird it's time to sleep.

Without consulting you she has no way of enforcing it

awanfitzsimmons 3

Stand yourself out and reject his wishes ! but if he keeps wanting you to pay half of it, say to him that you will agree with it unless he cleans up the bird mess, that would be appropriate i guess...

Tell your roommate you'll pay for half of what it costs to put the bird down

I wonder how the parrot-child custody battles will play out once you or your roommate move.

If your roommate feels entitled to get the bird and not tell you and expect you to pay half than you are entitled to do whatever you want with half the bird. I heard grilled parrot wing is delish!