By In urgent need of a new roommate - 26/03/2014 23:44 - United States - West Linn

Today, I woke up at 3:00 am to the sound of a bird screeching. Turns out, my roommate bought a parrot without consulting me first. Even better, my roommate expects me to pay for half of the bird's expenses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 549
You deserved it 3 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acerredrum 23

Tell him okay but when you move out you expect half the bird.

DrownedMyFish 18

Hopefully you toucan settle this situation without it getting anymore hawkward than it already is.


say no you didnt want the bird in the first place

Birds can bite to the bone with no warning. Trust me, I know. They are also very messy and loud. Roommate should have discussed this with you first and then to ask you to pay too? No way!!!!

I hope you flat out refuse to pay a dime of expenses towards that bird. Your roommate did not consult with you, did not even get your permission, and has a bird who will be disturbing your sleep because s/he's alone in a cage, probably with no companion. That's no way to treat a bird! I see that you are trying to move out; that's probably the best solution. Lots of luck to the idiot you live with finding another roommate.

kingdomgirl94 29

To be fair, most parrots in captivity don't have cagemates, they bond with their owners. Night time isn't actually a problem if you know what you're doing. If you cover their cage at night with a thick blanket, they go to sleep. As long as its dark they think its night time, so they sleep. They make a lot more noise during the day!

Finally, someone knows something about parrots.

Tell him to piss off as he didn't talk to you about getting a bird and you didn't agree to it ergo taking care of the bird is his job

Oh hell no, that shit wouldn't fly (no pun intended) with me. YOU want the bird, YOU got the bird, YOU pay for the bird YOURSELF. And that's pretty shitty that he did it without asking you if it's ok...

I always found it funny when people arbitrarily expect others to pay for their stuff.

Badkarma4u 17

Make sure he leaves before you then every morning put on the same 2 hour **** video at full blast. It will be over by the time he gets home, and ovrer time he will have no idea where his parrot learned such a colorful vocabulary.

skyeyez9 24

Teach it to say derogatory things about your roommate. Give it treats and pamper it when roommate isnt around, so it will like you more and piss roommate off. But do NOT pay for half the bird.

I would tell him/her to go **** themselves. I ain't paying half of anything for your damn pet! But that's just me. Good luck to you OP.