By In urgent need of a new roommate - 26/03/2014 23:44 - United States - West Linn

Today, I woke up at 3:00 am to the sound of a bird screeching. Turns out, my roommate bought a parrot without consulting me first. Even better, my roommate expects me to pay for half of the bird's expenses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 549
You deserved it 3 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acerredrum 23

Tell him okay but when you move out you expect half the bird.

DrownedMyFish 18

Hopefully you toucan settle this situation without it getting anymore hawkward than it already is.


Volunteer to do your part by cleaning its cage. Place droppings in her bed. :)

You should let your roommate know that you also expect him to pay for your expenses. It's only fair.

It's her bird, it's like any other furniture. "If you wanna decorate, go ahead, but I ain't paying shit" ;)

Tell him no, no you won't pay half the expenses for the bird he bought, he never consulted you and you didn't want a pet, considering it's HIS pet HE should pay 100% for it.

expenses for an animal I did not agree to and do not want in this case a bird are as follows. 1 bulb of garlic 1 yellow onion 1 small bag baby carrots 1 bunch of celery thyme rosemary salt pepper butter stuff the bird with the vegtables coat with butter and seasoning bake a 350 until reaching a temp of 165 or the juice runs clear whichever comes second. or recommend partly mashed potatoes for the side.

Just don't pay... Tell him he needs to ask you first and if he can't afford the bird find a way to sell it or return it.

Well if he puts down half for your bird then you should be fine...but so it seems I doesn't work that way...I hope you two can make an agreement...

Become a pirate then it's a win-win situation.