By In urgent need of a new roommate - 26/03/2014 23:44 - United States - West Linn

Today, I woke up at 3:00 am to the sound of a bird screeching. Turns out, my roommate bought a parrot without consulting me first. Even better, my roommate expects me to pay for half of the bird's expenses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 549
You deserved it 3 365

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acerredrum 23

Tell him okay but when you move out you expect half the bird.

DrownedMyFish 18

Hopefully you toucan settle this situation without it getting anymore hawkward than it already is.


Infamous_Tora 12

I am curious, did you read your comment before you validated it?

iLike2Teabag 27

Maybe he means "it" as in the roommate.

#32 did you read 12s comment before you validated? It's a pretty blatant smart ass remark about the roommate.

DrownedMyFish 18

Hopefully you toucan settle this situation.

Capitan 15

Sell half the ownership to someone else, therefore it stays at their place half the time. Win win right?

You could always teach it to say horrible things to your roommate...

Ahahahaha XD Thats one helluva room mate!

Hey, dirty deeds done dirt cheap!! Just look at my pic OP!

fooltemptress 36

Teach it to curse and say insulting things about your roommate when they have friends over.

Don't you know about the bird? Everybody knows that the bird is a word Baby, bird, bird, bird Bird is the word Well, everybody's heard about the bird..