By In urgent need of a new roommate - 26/03/2014 23:44 - United States - West Linn

Today, I woke up at 3:00 am to the sound of a bird screeching. Turns out, my roommate bought a parrot without consulting me first. Even better, my roommate expects me to pay for half of the bird's expenses. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 556
You deserved it 3 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

acerredrum 23

Tell him okay but when you move out you expect half the bird.

DrownedMyFish 18

Hopefully you toucan settle this situation without it getting anymore hawkward than it already is.


Llama_Face89 33

I agree with 93. Don't kill the innocent bird. Your roommate on the other hand....isn't so innocent.

xxVampiresRulexx 14
MidnightMusic53 37

If this isn't this first utterly stupid and inconsiderate thing he/she has done, and you can't kick them out or move out without breaking the lease, I would talk to your landlord. Don't punish yourself by staying with that moron any longer.

Just refuse to pay for it. You probably have enough things to pay for and don't need a parrot taking your money away.

Snap it's little neck. Problem solved.

Buy some KFC, hide the bucket, then hide the bird with a neighbor and simply snack on a drumstick with a <smile> when your room mate comes home.

fill the trash with a few handfuls of fake feathers, and when your roommate walks in ask if they want some of the meat as you hold the plate with 3 pieces of chicken towards them.

stepymac 15

Bull , that's his bird he needs to take care of

Just teach the parrot to insult your roommate. Problem solved.