By elo - 20/12/2008 05:50 - France

Today, I woke up beside a disgusting guy I didn't know. He told me he was the best friend of the handsome guy I was hitting on yesterday evening. I can't remember at which point I got mislead into bringing the wrong one home. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 912
You deserved it 32 456

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you're getting drunk with the intent of having sex with a person you've never met, you pretty much deserve whoever you wake up to the next morning. Beggars can't be choosers.

Buddies helping ugly buddies get laid. He was doing him a favor.


#10 i agree, but i dont think that she even realizes how disgusting she is

either way youre kind of a ****. we should hang out.

im sure he didnt think you were a looker either, bitch.

and uh im pretty sure nobody's disgusting, thats horrible and rude of you to say.

Doesn't matter. The whole time you were a disgusting ****, no matter who you slept with...

if a guy had the same story everyone would feel sorry for him! that sux! lol. I feel your pain hun!!

Soo have you gotten tested for STD's yet? becausseee you should. and your a nasty **** and should be old enough to know better. also.. youll regret it. =] *****

schoolfml 0

to #17... no one cares. you should take that as a compliment that girls are ridiculed for it. that means they are held to a higher standard than guys. so stop nagging on here an go nag to your booty calls.

Hmmm I don’t think sleeping around is acceptable for either gender, but I don’t think this person should be slandered and called a **** just because of her sex. Who of you know the real story, this might be the first time she had been involved in such promiscuous behaviour... Double standards are completely unfair, but in saying that I have no respect for either males or females who behave like this.