By Anonymous - 21/05/2009 16:41 - Canada

Today, I woke up early to take my dog for a walk. I wore spandex shorts. I stopped to talk to several people I know and passed a group of hot construction workers who checked me out. I just got home and realized I have the biggest cameltoe I've ever seen in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 749
You deserved it 59 954

Same thing different taste

Top comments


haha thats is AWESOME! love it. (as long as your not fat, if your fat then its pretty mingen)

Spandex is a privilege not a right. Always has been. always will be. keep that in mind. cheers

lol gratz to #1 getting the time to copy and past that off the internet and still making it for first

#15 don't be absurd. YDI though because how could you wear spandex and not expect that.

This is an excellent solution. Sir or Madam, I applaud you for your brilliance.

nastyy. how did you not feel that?! lol #24 agreed, if your fat then that makes it a million times worse

funnyyy 0

why did you wear spandex just to walk your dog..