By lol smiley face - 28/11/2009 15:57 - United States

Today, I woke up feeling awesome. I turned to face the sunrise in the window, and as I stretched and let out a big yawn. Only for my boyfriend to say "Baby, turn back over. Your breath smells like turds." FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 815
You deserved it 10 437

Same thing different taste

Top comments

how is this an FML? He wasn't disgusted by it. Didn't leave you. Stayed in bed with you. Just wanted you to refrain from opening your mouth near him until you brush your teeth. Everyone has bad breath in the morning. Get over yourself & stop being dramatic.

I wouldn't want morning breath in my face either.


How do you even get the three comments badge anyways? And I recommend brushing OP.

Lmao that is funny. Sounds like what my bf would say to me ?