By hdat - 11/06/2009 17:51 - Canada

Today, I woke up from a dream about finding a vending machine that gave me free food. I kept eating, it was so satisfying words could not describe how great it felt. Then I realized my hands were in between my legs, I had been touching myself dreaming about free food from a vending machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 938
You deserved it 16 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thinking about them Twinkies again eh?

hey vending machine food is good just not that good...


Haha, that's pretty awesome, food and touching yourself all at once. :D

krystal_love 0

LOL FYL. Its true though, people get horny with their stupid dreams without meaning to. HAHA, My sister had a dream where she was holding a big pillow, and she woke up horny.

RaynBowh 0

if only i could have such a great dream

u2_lover_05 0

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I guess you could say the food was...orgasmic? -shot for pun-