By hdat - 11/06/2009 17:51 - Canada

Today, I woke up from a dream about finding a vending machine that gave me free food. I kept eating, it was so satisfying words could not describe how great it felt. Then I realized my hands were in between my legs, I had been touching myself dreaming about free food from a vending machine. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 932
You deserved it 16 199

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thinking about them Twinkies again eh?

hey vending machine food is good just not that good...


@9, 14 .. It actually sounds like a girl to me. "In between my legs" doesn't exactly sound like a dude. @OP, Who cares... maybe you forgot about the sexy man/woman that appeared in your dream and turned you on.

Yulia_fml 0

heyy #23, you're the one who ran the risk of calling this person hot with knowing the gender. I have the right to make fun of you. this is fml =) And by saying "but who knows," I was simply saying that it's a POSSIBILITY. You can call me an epic fail if i had declared it was a guy, no question about it.

randomdude1234 0

Women have more emotional attachment with food anyways.

haha food can be sexy sometimes! and very satisfying!

I can't visualize OP as anything other than a fat chick. Do dudes even dream about food outside of cartoons, let alone ********** while dreaming of eating?

simpsonman3000 0

when i first read this i thought you meant you had your hands in your vag and you were, like, putting them in your mouth afterwards. like eating yourself out. lol

#32 - I was being sarcastic about the "you sound hot" as in "you sound fat". If you are going to make a statement. Make one. Don't make two different statements that contradict each other. It makes you sound dumb. =) *the more you know*

Whoadee 0

ha! that's showing that fatty fat fatty!

epic_delight1337 0

Hahaha wow so food arouses you? u were rubbin your candy bar ;)

if i was a fatty, then it wouldn't be an FML.

Yulia_fml 0

#35, let's not be hypocritical. You're the one who replied to the wrong comment =) sarcasm doesn't usually work out on the internet, btw. Duuuude come on. I'm so tired of arguing about this. I did make a statement - I said it was possible that this is a guy. That's that. Can we be friends now?