By Ohshit - 17/05/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to a hand rubbing my very erect penis, and a woman's peppermint breath in my ear. "Mom?" I called out instinctively, recalling how she always smells like peppermint. The hand stopped rubbing, and I turned to face my very disgusted looking girlfriend of three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 401
You deserved it 92 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dmipotc 0

how often does your mom rub your "very erect penis"? ur instinctive reaction freaks me out


mcrpatd 0

Well at least if SHE dumps you... you'll still have your mom to rub it for you XD lol sucks though...

THAT'S gonna take some 'splainin.

ashbaby010 0

first of all ; it's both pathetic and scary that your mom was the first person you thought of.. second of all ; why in the world would your mother be rubbing your 'very erect penis' ?

Funny how the high and mighty among us are so confident in their clarity of thought in the morning. Particularly with a hand rubbing one's genitals. Your girl is a tightass. You should drag her out of her comfort zone more often.

I'm the one with an Fd L in this scenairo. My husband regularly calls me mumsy while WIDE AWAKE, and calls his mother by my name/nickname. We have no sex life because of it.

kneegrow143 0

... Freud was right! Congratulations on being living proof of the Oedipus complex! Now dump your girlfriend, kill your father, marry your mother, and then gouge your eyes out.

elfuzzo 0

Hahaha. Oh wow. Don't worry too much, it will be hilarious in retrospect.

Look, I hope the smell of peppermint was so strong it choked him. WHY would his mom ever rub his "erect penis"? The peppermint smell is NOT an excuse.

LuckyCharms_fml 0

Hahaha I completely understand that's a confusing way to be woken up...waking up is confusing anyway. FYL!