By Ohshit - 17/05/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to a hand rubbing my very erect penis, and a woman's peppermint breath in my ear. "Mom?" I called out instinctively, recalling how she always smells like peppermint. The hand stopped rubbing, and I turned to face my very disgusted looking girlfriend of three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 401
You deserved it 92 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dmipotc 0

how often does your mom rub your "very erect penis"? ur instinctive reaction freaks me out


That sux! At least u really didn't do nething with her for real.......rite?

woah_dang_baby_fml 0

Um. One question: Why would your mom be rubbing your penis?...

lifesagamble 0

Agree with #3. Moms don't really give their sons a handjob.

As someone who's received a hand-job while asleep, I can say that I totally see how this happened. When you wake up like that, you have no idea what's going on for the first few seconds.

All I can hope is that when the OP said that - he was hastily making an attempt to remove himself from the hand. And not saying 'mom' in an inviting way, or in any kind of enjoyment. Otherwise, enjoy your break up :/

cheese1756 0

You totally deserved it for thinking that your mom would ever do something like that.

Plethora: soooo true haha. I bet your girlfriend won't smell like peppermint anymore after you explain that! Hahah this is classic!

TheMusician260 0

Wow!! How the hell did you-- damn...

#61 - if she gives him a chance to explain his creepiness!

lilbean894 0

Hahahahahahahahah; WOOOOOW! xDD So your reactions to your "very erect penis" is to call out your moms name!? Pretty kinky! xDDDDDD