By Ohshit - 17/05/2009 06:42 - United States

Today, I woke up to a hand rubbing my very erect penis, and a woman's peppermint breath in my ear. "Mom?" I called out instinctively, recalling how she always smells like peppermint. The hand stopped rubbing, and I turned to face my very disgusted looking girlfriend of three years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 401
You deserved it 92 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dmipotc 0

how often does your mom rub your "very erect penis"? ur instinctive reaction freaks me out


LOL your gf has endless jks on you now, could you imagine the girl version to this? “Today, I woke up to a masculine hand rubbing my very wet pussy, and a man's aftershave fragrance. I called out my dad’s name instinctively, recalling how he always smells like that. The hand stopped rubbing, and I turned to face my very disgusted looking boyfriend of three years. FML ....... he then smiles and says who’s your daddy.

jumpgurl23 0

if that doesnt make ur "erect penis" hide in his garage idk wat the hell will.

Scent associations are stronger than most others, which I assume includes tactile associations...

LOL @ # 14 and # 65. I can get how this would happen; smell is very strongly tied to memory and you were totally disoriented upon waking up. She'll never let you live that one down though. She probably won't bludgeon you to death with it and bring it up at every possible reference though. she'll likely keep it for times when you're least expecting her to say something like that... and rest assured, all of her friend will know :D