By jellyfish_ftw - 15/12/2009 22:45 - United States
jellyfish_ftw tells us more.
OP, replying. this is my big explanation, so pay attention. the whole situation came about because my boyfriend was trying to keep the breakup friendly since they had a kid together, and he wants to stay in his daughter's life. therefore, he hadn't really made a fuss about making her give back everything of his/take everything of hers. this was also because he didn't fully realize how crazy she was. the ex hated my guts already and we all knew it, and she had made threats to my boyfriend saying things like, "she'd better hope she doesn't come across me anywhere, or i'll kick her ass." the morning of the incident, he had left early for work 45 minutes away, leaving me to sleep in. his ex called him at work telling him she needed to get something from the apartment, which he usually leaves unlocked because we live in a small town. he told her it was locked and that i was there and he didn't want her going over there......which made her insanely angry, obviously. she came over with her old key and her sister (in the sister's van) and started flipping shit. i was asleep, and i don't know about the rest of you, but i'm extremely disoriented and out of it when i first wake up. so all i could really do was stare blearily at her while she yelled and tore blankets off. when she grabbed the bed, i woke up enough to get out of it. she took off with the bed, which was a double-size box-spring and mattress, and dragged it to her sister's van which was waiting outside, and they drove off. when my boyfriend came home and found out the situation, he bitched her out and told her he would do something about it if she ever came in without asking/him being there again. there you go, FML. full story.
Top comments
and while she was screaming and dragging the bed out the door, you didn't think to get off of it and maybe get yourself into a less vulnerable position (ie standing up)? also, that is one wide door for her to drag the whole bed out of it without flipping it sideways. in which case you would have just fallen off anyway
Yeah what is she mutant D:
you shoulda kicked her little ass, wrapped her in the blanket, and rolled her down a hill! >:-0
lmao.................i like that. i came up with all my good reactions AFTER the fact though, which sucked.
I sure hope you got the locks changed after that. Or that you got her key back. But being a psycho, chances are she made copies of it to keep, so changing the locks is still the best solution
You better change all the locks in the house. I will not be surprised if she does this again, or something worse.
what a strong and talented girl to be able to drag a bed with a person in it out a small door.
FYL. Why? Because you were too dumb to maybe, oh I dunno, get out of the bed and either call the cops or defend yourself. Also, like others have asked, how the hell did she drag the entire bed out the door with you IN it? Must have the world's widest doorway. Sucks that the ex is a psycho, though.
What kind of idiot boyfriend stands there and lets his ex go rampaging through the apartment? Where was he, and what kind of business could he have had to attend to that he wasn't tossing the hussy out on the streets, much less call the cops?!?!? Seriously...the op fails.
my boyfriend was at work, and i was still half asleep. still not a win, but hey....that's why it's an FML.
After reading over your FML (again), OP, I sympathize with the being woken up part. On the other hand, however, your boyfriend is a complete idiot for not taking back the key at once upon the breakup and tossing what lady psycho had on the front steps, or changing the locks. There's no sympathy there. Can lady psycho prove that said items are/were hers? Either way, she loses. As for the complications that you caused in responding to these comments, you should seriously learn to think before you type. Your FML could've also been worded more appropriately to include that sir idiot was at work when said actions took place.

Jesus, what a psycho. And where was your boyfriend when this was happening?
What I wanna know is, why did you stay in the bed while she dragged it out of the door?