By eightleggedtictac - 08/06/2014 15:10 - United States - Worcester

Today, I woke up to my boyfriend shrieking at the top of his lungs. I ran into the dining room where he was, to find him standing on the table screaming "Kill it!" while pointing at an unmoving spider the size of a Tic Tac on the wall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 784
You deserved it 6 855

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Now he has to burn down the room and watch it be extinguished from the sidewalk.

In all honesty, I probably would have done the same thin


sailorzoe 14

Kill the spider and put that little girl in the kitchen.

But then he might burn it down while cooking breakfast D:

bluucat 17

Can't blame people for having phobias.

True, however I feel like anybody that has a fear of spiders says they have severe arachnophobia even if they haven't been diagnosed as having it. Same with anxiety. Everybody thinks their case is severe, even if they haven't been diagnosed as that, so that everyone will leave them alone.

#54: That's a dumb reason to dismiss someone's fears. It's obvious when someone has a phobia, and a diagnosis is not required. Ditto for "anxiety", which is the name of a symptom, not a diagnosis.

He might have arachnophobia. His name wouldn't be harry osborn by any chance?

Upvoted for the Spider-Man reference.

They're probably the kind of people who not only like Batman best, but who also think Ben Affleck is a great fit for the part.

Maybe he has arachnophobia (I spelled that wrong, I know). I'd react the same way as him.

askullnamedbilly 33

You actually spelled that right.

Oh, thank you. My auto correct wasn't identifying the word.

MooseKnuckle5150 13

What you have is a girlfriend.

What they have is a boyfriend who is a wuss not a female companion.

mike762414 6
MooseKnuckle5150 13

Falls under the same category as the guy who can't change the oil in the car, shoot a gun, fix a flat tire, retrieve a ring from the p-trap under the bathroom sink, open the lid on the pickle jar, etc. Those are girlfriends.

#25 you are one of the types of people that I hate most in the world. OP's boyfriend being afraid of a spider doesn't make him a female nor does it make him a wuss. Everything you just said was sexist and idiotic.

askullnamedbilly 33

Strange, and here I thought all that was required to be considered biologically male were an X and a Y chromosome.

MooseKnuckle5150 13

#36, enjoy sharing your skinny jeans with your boyfriend.

ostfaiz 18

whay exactly u did then?? i wana know

Well that's it looks like you two have to move.

Haha looks like it's time for you to be the big one.

I can only imagine the heart attack he'd have if he lived in Australia. Australian spiders are no joke.