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Weirdo alert

By Anonymous - 21/06/2013 04:26 - United States

Today, while running, a man ran up next to me and started jogging with me. He asked if he could run with me and I said yes. Later, when I told him I was going home, he followed me home. When I asked him to leave, he sat down on my lawn in protest. He has been there for over 4 hours. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 270
You deserved it 8 447

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flashback.miss 28

Turn on the sprinklers/hose. Or get a dog to chase him off. or get the police to haul him off, whichever's the most amusing.

Call the police, if he's on your lawn it's trespassing. Who knows what else someone that mentally unstable will do once he thinks you're asleep.


flashback.miss 28

Turn on the sprinklers/hose. Or get a dog to chase him off. or get the police to haul him off, whichever's the most amusing.

Or do all at once. In my mind, that seems to be the most amusing.

add some benny hill music and you've got yourself a viral video.

I dunno about the sprinklers, he'd probably actually welcome them. Having just been for a run, he'd most likely be all hot and sweaty. Probably better off sticking to the other two options.

I'd go with a combo of dog and hose, that way you can clean the dog and chase away the creeper, its a win win.

I don't know, guys. If OP's attracted to this guy, it's rom-com gold! Watch the whole ordeal blossom into a Notebook-esque romance. "One date. I'll be here all night if I have to." *swoons*

97- sounds good in theory, but I'm guessing if she was attracted to him she'd have invited him in rather than complaining to us that he wouldn't get off her lawn... Just sayin'

And don't forget to video the whole thing and stick it on youtube! FHL

Xanadara 5

But he's been sitting there for 4 hours so it really depends on temp. outside.

Why would you let someone follow you to your house? I can see letting him jog with you but after the run, you should've said your goodbyes and not let him follow you to your home. It's kinda your fault but at the same time it is creepy!

RedPillSucks 31

Agree with everything except for the last sentence. I don't think its a YDI for not being able to anticipate someone with mental issues.

Run outside with a 12ga that should send him running

etoilenuit 15

Sounds like it wouldn't have mattered and he would've followed op home anyway. Creepy.

44- it doesn't sound to me like she did let him... She tried to say goodbye, he followed anyway and then refused to leave. Was she supposed to keep jogging in circles for god knows how many hours until he gave up? Because it sounds like that could have wasted her entire day, which is ridiculous. 1, you can't run that long, 2, she probably had other things to do and had to go home. I doubt there was anything different she could have done.

I wonder what he's saying to the lawn though...

yawateverok 10

uhm its not creepy if u think nicely (:

This why I never go for a jog! It's not that I'm too lazy... I swear! It's too damned dangerous!

Yeah I agree....but now he knows where OP lives :(

Call the police, if he's on your lawn it's trespassing. Who knows what else someone that mentally unstable will do once he thinks you're asleep.

Only if its after 9pm could be waiting a whole depending on the time. Just start watering the lawn best approach lol

What's he saying down your lawn? Oh I kid OP, this is where you turn on the sprinklers to counter his protest. Don't forget to mention you have fire ants in your lawn.

Time to pull out the shotgun and inform him that survivors of trespassing get shot at again. Or just call the police and have him escorted, that works too.

Contrary to what most teenagers seem to think. Not everything in life involves sex.

Most teenagers I have known , everything does involve sex.

LemonLolly 10

Thank god I'm not like most teenagers