By fulloshit - 28/11/2010 02:17 - United States

Today, I woke up with extreme stomach pains. After being rushed to the hospital and having numerous tests performed, I was told my intestines were over-stretched with stool. I'm essentially so full of shit it hurts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 073
You deserved it 4 598

Same thing different taste


ksummerville91_fml 0

lmao! oh my 'lanta such hilarity!

deannoz 0

Awh, I'm sorry. My brother has that, too. I better tell him to start drinking plum juice and eating those fibernuts if he wants to stay out of the hospital. FYL, dude.

Draminicaus 0

That's happened to me. My doc came back in the room chuckling and said, "I think your full of shit, Dram." Down a bottle of castor oil, put a stereo in your bathroom, take a seat on the throne and have a blast. ^_^

Draminicaus 0

Medically speaking, don't actually down an entire bottle of castor oil. You could have hallucinations and die. ^_^

pytel93 0
pytel93 0
Draminicaus 0

r ur meaty canon balls ready to be sucked for life

pytel93 0

what the hell I got moderated!!! for complimenting!! lol wooooowwww

FFML_314 11

This is FML, not eHarmony. There's a private messaging system for a reason. Instead of forcing everyone else to read your 'attempts' at trying to hit on a girl that, by the way, isn't even using a real picture, why don't you say something relative to the FML? Perhaps, you could say something relating to her comment. You could also /read the ******* rules./

pytel93 0

hahaha so you're the one modding me. :D

pytel93 0

and btw this is a very real pic. hmu on facebook I'll prove it ;)

FFML_314 11

You are a real genius. You didn't even have a picture up when I said that. i was referring to the girl.

jonan1212 5

yes he did he waz Like the third reply

pytel93 0
Lady_Tahtahs 0

better get that out the bottom end or it could back up and come out your mouth..

ydi. just for having to go to the hospital and not just taking a shit like the rest of us. if you cant.. theres laxative.

FFML_314 11

There's a few in every crowd.

Laxatives don't always work...not for all obstructions.

Sry About that...if it makes you feel better, the same thing happened to me. They found out i have crohn's disease. FML

Exactly this. There are a bunch of real, genuine, serious reasons why this can happen, and it can rapidly turn into a medical emergency. For all the people saying to just take a laxative, usually there's a massive difference between just not going for a couple of days, and something that puts you in hospital.

yeah, but a lot of the commenters are like 12 years old and know nothing of the real world. but also there are a large number of completely uneducated ass hats over the age of 12 here who think that simply taking a laxative solves all constipation problems! what till it happens to them and they post on here and everyone can tell them "duhhh take a laxative" lol

jocelyng_fml 0

All "shit jokes" aside, I hope OP gets this taken care of soon. Situations like this can extremely dangerous, with risks of compaction and ruptured bowels, resulting in extended hospital stays, surgery, and possibly death. Good luck getting this shit taken care of! Sorry, I couldn't resist! ;p

Urgh. I have Crohn's disease too. Not fun.

i have Crohns' too this stuff really does suck.