By Ah hell - 31/01/2009 14:43 - United States

Today, I woke up with the worst hangover of my life. My best friend comes over and informs me that I had sex with my girlfriend's two best friends last night. Awesome! Then I realized her best friends are guys. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 874
You deserved it 52 688

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you think it would have be awesome to not only cheat on your girlfriend, but with two of her friends... I hope your ass hurt badly the next time you took a dump.

=/ You think it's awesome to cheat on your girlfriend? Wow... I feel sorry for her.


bigtime_rocker 11

Yeah... If it's true, unlikeley unless you have "experimental tendencies", you have to see someone about your drinking problem.

cyK0tek 0

^^ No hablo....whatever the f uck it is you're speaking...

It's not awesome cheating on your girlfriend !

so you think it's awesome to cheat on your girlfriend's two best friends? uh ok.

kittykittyrun 29
The_9th_Doctor 18

Hey, as long as it was good for all three of you.

In what world is it "Awesome!" to cheat on your girlfriend with two of her "best friends"? You should get neutered (<----not sure how to spell that). Like a dog. Without painkillers. With a blunt, rusty chainsaw. Have fun with that.