By BookBabe - 25/03/2012 15:34 - United States - Panorama City

Today, I wore my new Brazilian thong bikini to the pool for the first time. I was lying face down feeling so sexy, until flies started buzzing my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 287
You deserved it 37 943

Same thing different taste


You just had 4 comments thumbed down. Please just stop.

mustasho 0

You bring a whole new meaning to "thats fly"

Haha wow I'm pretty sure that's what toilet paper was invented for

AJ33 0

U ever think about showering ?

Not to be a total creeper or anything but I just read #52 description and it seriously made my day.... :-)

Ugh... There's something about a "thong bikini" that makes my teeth grinch.

Cochina shower atleast and you must have felt sexy after that!