By BookBabe - 25/03/2012 15:34 - United States - Panorama City

Today, I wore my new Brazilian thong bikini to the pool for the first time. I was lying face down feeling so sexy, until flies started buzzing my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 287
You deserved it 37 943

Same thing different taste


Wow did you shower before you put it on or did you just get it all gross

Good on you for feeling comfortable in a thong bikini

84- YOU'RE an epic fail. Have a nice day :-).

Going swimming doesn't count as a shower!

kaeleydanielle 0

Flies are attracted to trash!!! YDI for being smelly! Yuck!!

KimberKittyMFC 1

LOL Mud Butt!!! LMFAO take a shower sick bitch! ...or at the VERY LEAST BABY WIPE UR SMELLY ASS!! Epic Fail OP, YDI ...LMFAO all day now, thanx! Muah!

hilary56 0

You're sick!!!!! Take a lap!!!!!! Or a shower! :p

YDI. You should have applied every mother's rule of "wipe until you don't smell it or see it" or "wear new garments with a clean body." That's just nasty.