By BookBabe - 25/03/2012 15:34 - United States - Panorama City

Today, I wore my new Brazilian thong bikini to the pool for the first time. I was lying face down feeling so sexy, until flies started buzzing my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 287
You deserved it 37 943

Same thing different taste


TeamShocker420 0
slapperjack69 1

That's probably because theres the smell of a dead gerbil.

Igor_g5 0

You got to wash your butt.

you deserve it. thongs and bikinis are not sexy. theyre for ****** who want **** all the time. maybe you should learn a little modesty, ****.

MelissaLove234 7

I bet you don't even ******* wipe your ass MR.Poopy ass

Life is very simple, want to lose weight? Stop eating fatass!