By BookBabe - 25/03/2012 15:34 - United States - Panorama City

Today, I wore my new Brazilian thong bikini to the pool for the first time. I was lying face down feeling so sexy, until flies started buzzing my butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 11 287
You deserved it 37 943

Same thing different taste


Maybe your butt smells really good!!!

morganmorgan 0
MrGroovy28 7

Perhaps you need to work on your fundamental hygiene - aka learn how to wipe!! The image is quite grotesque now that I think about it

rey_socal 0

@highlyunlikeme what's up your cute!

KM96 24

Let's hope there was no one around to see :0

Were you potty trained? Im sure your parents taught you to wipe RIGHT!

PYLrulz 17

Toilet paper is a hell of an invention.