By fuckmyplums - 07/02/2014 23:47 - Austria - Grossarl

Today, I worked up the nerve to ask my boss for a raise. Today is also the day I found out my boss has a shitlist of employees he wants to fire, and that I'm now on it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 402
You deserved it 4 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you feel you deserve one then good for you for asking. If you're a loyal employee and actually do your job then it will suck for your boss if he actually let's you go.

Your boss sounds like a major prick. It doesn't hurt to ask. If they say no then let it slide.


So what does the labor union say about this?

Larsh 4

Raises are found by changing jobs and companies. Don't expect your current employer to give you anything they don't have to.

No, most employers give raises based on performance and reviews. It's an incentive to stay with the company in your position, no one expects to stay at a flat rate throughout their career with a company. Edit. Ah, I have a feeling you're young and don't have much experience working for a company for very long.

Also, most degree-requiring jobs have a minimum salary and a maximum salary, usually 10-20$ an hour in difference. You start out near the minimum and slowly make your way to the maximum through raises and reviews.

" I write the books, you walked in & you're fired!"

TheyCallMeDamien 17

If you know you want better then you can have better. Start looking for a new job because a Boss like that never wants to see you rise. You weren't put on the this planet to serve him and his needs.

fuggotmuggot 14
sohigh10 34

Courage. You worked up the courage to do that. Don't sell yourself short OP, it took a great deal of confidence to do something like that