By Anonymous - 24/04/2012 04:44 - United States

Today, I yet again heard a friend say "YOLO" as if it's a word. It was so annoying that I had to restrain myself from punching him in the face and offering him the chance to suck on one of my turds, since apparently "YOLO." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 925
You deserved it 5 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have punched him in the face anyway...

friend: -falls out of tree- me: "oh my gosh, are you okay?" friend: "yeah man YOLO" me: -_____-


mrpipp 0

Hahaha i went on urban dictionary cuz I didn't know what that meant and it was the word of the day.

YOLO. You Obviously Lack Originality. ;)

FMMFL1992 3

You obviously do. I've seen this comment about three times already.

I was the first one to put it but I ******* got deleted somehow! WTF FML?

YOLO is carpe diem for uneducated people. Just sayin

I've never heard of this expression. I assume it means you only live once but I'm not sure.

Indeed, it was a joke man. I don't care about my acronym, I was just saying that both of his are the same base words everyone uses. If you're gonna be a douche, at least be a creative douche. By the way, I love your picture!

hereinnc 12

I feel as though I am showing my age here, however I have never heard this Drake person, nor the acronym YOLO...

but buddy. You Only Live Once. get used to hearing it. ;)

Wait wait wait... We only live once? God fucken damnit! I had so many plans for my second life... I was gonna be a jewish doctor lawyer...