By Anonymous - 24/04/2012 04:44 - United States

Today, I yet again heard a friend say "YOLO" as if it's a word. It was so annoying that I had to restrain myself from punching him in the face and offering him the chance to suck on one of my turds, since apparently "YOLO." FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 925
You deserved it 5 812

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would have punched him in the face anyway...

friend: -falls out of tree- me: "oh my gosh, are you okay?" friend: "yeah man YOLO" me: -_____-


YOLO. live it. It's like an perfect* excuse from young people.

william8691 10

I hate that word my wife says it all day long just to piss me off -_-

I ******* hate that term!!! Y•L•

I haven't heard anyone say "YOLO". You know what I hate? "Hit me up", that's just terrible. And instead of "that's crazy", which I already hated, people are saying "dat shit's cray". Urban slang irritates me to literally no end.

william8691 10

Yolo!!!! Well unless you're Hindu....

NiveaKK 9

Lol we just posted the same thing almost at the same time :P

NiveaKK 9

Lol I don't think 'YOLO' applies to Indian Hindus cause we believe in rebirth :P

chick92282 15

Yes, "YOLO" is annoying, especially since it's everywhere now. Reminder, though: many words started out as acronyms ("laser" comes to mind). Also, don't you think you're indulging in just a bit of hyperbole here? Surely using a word isn't really punishable by feces consumption? Don't get me wrong, it drives me bananas too, but if this is the biggest thing you have to complain about then I think I'd like to switch lives with you.

I hate that word. People use it for stupid stuff they do thinking its cool.

InAmbrose 5

I'm so tired of that ******* YOLO shit. It's stupid and ridiculous! Especially when someone uses it as an excuse for their failure. I've got a friend who pretty much is failing out of this class (and probably all her other classes) this semester and instead of dropping out of the classes, knowing she would receive an F if she didn't, she just stopped coming to class. I asked her why she's being so stupid and she says "I'm probably not coming back to college. It's not my thing. YOLO." told her its not gonna be a good one when you can't support yourself. She says I'll get a job at the comic shop. Yeah, if they even hire her lazy ass. She's smart, but practically a mindless drone who does nothing but Tumblr, Facebook, and Twitter...oh and obsesses over Kingdom Hearts and especially Axel. She needs a reality check. Sorry for ranting, but that's what that stupid YOLO saying does to me when I hear it. :P

katiesmurph 5

What's wrong with Kingdom Hearts?

ravenevercross 19

Think I'm in love. Introduce

InAmbrose 5

Nothing is wrong with kingdom hearts, she just is WAY too obsessed with it :P

InAmbrose 5

If your in love, she lives in Missouri. Lol

I completely sympathize! As a high school student, I see this all the time. No shit you only live once. I don't need to be told that again and again! Excuse my rant. I have no one else to rant to :c