Vocab test
By shut up. - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - New Zealand
By shut up. - This FML is from back in 2013 but it's good stuff - New Zealand
By Squeak - 07/02/2017 19:00 - United States - Bremerton
By Ksweety_fml - 05/10/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 10/08/2019 02:00 - Germany - Wuppertal
By Anonymous - 19/03/2021 21:30
By Anonymous - 24/04/2012 04:44 - United States
By sucks - 05/01/2011 07:41 - Netherlands
By jobless1 - 05/07/2015 04:04
By Fred - 28/01/2024 15:00 - Australia - Perth
By kingkobrastrikes - 21/01/2015 01:56 - United States
By Anonymous - 16/12/2020 01:57
Number 14, that is one of the finest puns I've ever seen relating specifically to the FML. *claps politely*
I died a little inside...
Pick up? More like throw a book at them.
Key word is "young."
to get a job the coworker must be atleast over 16
#75 - Depends where you live. I got my first part time job when I was 13.
I'm "young" and I know the difference!
@101 I have said "Lawl" for like 2 years.... and I am not hipster....
Classic Hipster denial.
Things like this make me want my towel. Stupid people.
is that a regerence to the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy?
No, I just ran through a sprinkler. I need something to dry off with and something to catch the next spaceship flying by.
Don't Panic
It's times like these I can see why humans rank third in intelligence next to dolphins and pandimensional mice.
It's people like her that make my generation look uneducated.
Yeah cause it's only girls who make stupid remarks.
I had a feeling it was a male colleague who said that, but it doesn't matter anyway, female or male, it's ridiculous! Can't believe some people. OP hope you educated that kid and hopefully in future they'll refrain from correcting someone without any knowledge about it.
Just because you got the impression, doesn't mean it's correct. It means you guys are stereotyping.
"snooty" is usually associated with women or gay men. just saying.
86, what? come back after you've learned how to spell. Or AT LEAST turn on your autocorrect.
#87 You're just trying to be a jerk, he simply missed the letter 'e' in 'one'.
You know what pisses me off more than people who make no effort to spell or use proper English? People who nitpick at small mistakes. Seriously, do you have nothing better to do? And #30, relax. Nobody is saying only girls make stupid mistakes. All they said is that's the impression they got from the FML. Does it even matter? The comment was stupid regardless of what gender said it. Can't we all just get along?
I think the word snooty is what gives the impression that it was a female coworker. I've never heard someone refer to a guy as snooty, they're more inclined to use the word douchey. I could be wrong, of course.
Seriously guys, who gives a shit?
Why does that mean that I need to get out more? You're argument is irrevalant.
I think the point 3 is trying to make is that the young co-worker makes our generation look uneducated, regardless of gender
Yeah we're ****** :( I feel like I'm becoming sucked into it too. Every time I see # I think hashtag... not numbers. This is only the beginning... only the beginning.
I agree with 103. this "gender war" and automatically saying someone is racist/sexist/something-ist is why our generation sucks. this PC BS needs to end. whatever happened to people saying what they think/feel? no wonder our generation has so many depression issues and is socially awkward. we can't express ourselves the way we should because the slightest thing might offend someone.
Who would say "There's a lol in business today" anyways? He/she needs to think before they talk..
There's lots of crap that goes on at my work that makes me lol, so it wouldn't be THAT much if a stretch for me to say that...if I were one of those poor mindless drones who say "lol" in conversation because they've lost the ability to laugh.
Well Bill Murray, I'd say you have had a lot of crazy stuff going on in your work, considering you died in Zombieland but here you are. Care to explain that?!
since he didn't know what 'lull' means, I think we can assume that his grammatical skills aren't very high either.
Well #37, I had a nice chat with the guy who runs things up there, and apparently there's a lot of people who are stuck wandering around down here. He sent me back to catch them and send them on their way...he mentioned something about "not crossing streams" but I'm not sure what he meant by that!
I think that coworker of yours may have fried their brain from texting too many acronyms rather than words
You are the coworker aren't you???
#7- K bye.
Embarrass them. Them lol in their face.
my thoughts exactly
Same with me.
Embarrass them. Then lol in their face.
Things like this make me want my towel. Stupid people.