By academicloser - 22/02/2011 17:19 - United States

Today, in an attempt to get some guidance from my college advisor, I emailed her, saying I was contemplating going to another school because I felt so helpless about my GPA, and was sure I wouldn't get my major. I asked for advice on raising it. She gave me instructions on how to drop out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 365
You deserved it 7 405

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't listen to her, and don't scream and Yale. Be as strong as an Ox,ford the stream, but don't go jumping off a Cambridge. You can be as rich as a a Duke or as famous as a Princeton, but getting good grades isn't that Harvard. Just study hard and eat a good meal, something like Brown Rice with Cornell.

Maybe you should have been more direct. If you said you wanted to go to another school then thats probably what she took it as. If you just wanted more advice then just say that you need some advice.


sparxva 12

Maybe it is good advice. College is not for everyone, and may not be the path for OP. Thank them for their advice and take a good hard look at your other options. There is no shame in being a mechanic or some other occupation that does not require a degree, but expect to work your ass off for the rest of your life.

EvilDave 13

The secret to success is not "Never give up". The secret to success is knowing WHEN to give up. Failure is normally a viable option. Dropping out may be the right thing. OP, you may need to drop out, take some time to reflect on why you are having so much trouble, and maybe rethink the major you are pursuing. Maybe put more money aside for school while you are at it.

djrox11 0

yeah well I'm older then you. this coming from a sophomore, represent.

sallen0046 4

If you wanted advice on how to raise your GPA, you should have asked simply how to raise your GPA. It's not the counselor's fault that you're not doing well, or that they agree this isn't the path for you. Carry yourself over to a community college, learn how to survive college, and raise your GPA so you can head back to a university prepared.

Oh dont worry, all guidance counclers are idiots.

Think she was telling you to lower your sights lol

dtegrl 0

I'm not trying to be harsh but if you really feel this helpless, why can't you go to your colleges learning center and see a tutor? All colleges have them... at least out in california they do. And why would you insinuate in an email to your counselor that you may need to transfer schools when all you really wanted was advice on how to raise your GPA? And if you wanted sympathy from your couselor, you reached too far. They deal with students on a daily basis, they don't have the time nor desire to hold your hand through all this when you should be holding your own hand and act like an adult and figure this out on your own. Take advantage of your resources.

Yeh this. It's harsh but true. What they said. You should have just asked simply. Good luck OP.

alyssa0921 0

go to beauty school...nobody cares about gpa