By Anonymous - 13/03/2011 22:26 - United States

Today, in an attempt to impress a girl I like, I tried to crush a soda can by hitting it with my forehead. Not only did I fail, I knocked myself out in the process. When I regained consciousness, the girl was gone and someone had taken the liberty of drawing a penis on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 762
You deserved it 73 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah because all any girl wants is a guy who can crush things with his head. Idiot.

samadams42 0

They should've drawn pussy on your forhead.


haaayhaaay 0

hahahahahahaha Faaaaaaail dude (:

cristig 0

she drew the penis on your face before she left DUH! :) YDI

richboii 0

well you did pass out with your shoes on...

monkeybanana 7

haha you're smart :p any girl would want a guy who can do that haha phsyco :p

morganxangela 0

How does crushing something with you're forehead impress any girl?

dumbass, but things people do for love ;)

Punkpoptart1119 20

Whenever one of these starts with 'I tried to impress' its always an automatic YDI. What happened to charming people with your personality? Is that not cool anymore? Have we really resorted to hurting ourselves just to get someone to pay attention to us? Seriously, grow up, OP.

Sadisticorchid7 1

Ydi at "i tried to imPress a girl by crushing a can on my forehead

Usually when you want to impress a girl, you start off by talking to her