By Anonymous - 13/03/2011 22:26 - United States

Today, in an attempt to impress a girl I like, I tried to crush a soda can by hitting it with my forehead. Not only did I fail, I knocked myself out in the process. When I regained consciousness, the girl was gone and someone had taken the liberty of drawing a penis on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 762
You deserved it 73 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah because all any girl wants is a guy who can crush things with his head. Idiot.

samadams42 0

They should've drawn pussy on your forhead.


johnnie254 7

probably got butt raped in the process

that's is the funniest thing I have ever heard!!!! sorry dude ur life sucks

YDI idiot! Bet she is really impressed now! Next time try a glass bottle, much easier to break ;)

You always know it's going to be a facepalm when an FML starts with "Today I tried to impress..."

dont listen to any of these dirt bitches. girls like guys who r dicks. being sweet makes u her bitch

jordylanell 0

What the hell. I can crush cans on my head no problem AND i have an IQ of 137. My record is 7 cans in 1 minute 30 seconds. Just don't EVER under any circumstances use this trick to impress a girl. It doesn't work. Do it because it's ******* awesome.

sublime420 11

I wake up every thursday with a bloody forehead because of this..:/

seems like a paradox to me, being smart and crushing stuff with your forehead

Punkpoptart1119 20

What happened to impressing people by being yourself? And everyone knows you crush soda cans with your foot..YDI for not thinking your wonderful plan through.

sublime420 11
scenequeen101 0

haha yes all of us girls want a guy who can crush a can on his head, o and have a drawing of a PENIS on third forehead no less... lol thank u for the laugh!!!!!