By Anonymous - 13/03/2011 22:26 - United States

Today, in an attempt to impress a girl I like, I tried to crush a soda can by hitting it with my forehead. Not only did I fail, I knocked myself out in the process. When I regained consciousness, the girl was gone and someone had taken the liberty of drawing a penis on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 762
You deserved it 73 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah because all any girl wants is a guy who can crush things with his head. Idiot.

samadams42 0

They should've drawn pussy on your forhead.


Even if you had succeeded it wouldn't have been impressive.

That's not going to impress us even if you succeed :/

Girls don't like to be impressed. Try talking to her next time.

It's really sad that you think killing your brain cells will impress her... :/

Cause girls really like that shit, I can't understand why she didn't hang around..

If she would have been impressed by you crushing a can on your head imagine what kind of conversations you could have with her.

If you have to dumb yourself down for someone, they aren't worth it.

There was no way that could possibly have ended well... YDI after the first sentence.

Luke16eirb7deneuwn1 20

Guess you failed a crush... (This is the worst pun I've ever made, and I shall now continue to dig myself a hole, so that ppl will eventually forget the shame I've braught upon myself with it.)