By gumchuck - 05/02/2015 21:03 - United States - Marshall

Today, in an effort to avoid my school's strict no-gum policy as my teacher made a b-line to me, I swallowed it. By the time the teacher reached me, the gum was on my desk, as well as my breakfast, thanks to my overactive gag reflex. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 851
You deserved it 16 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's gum, and this may be one of the worst situations that could have happened. Funny how you break the rules and there are immediate consequences . I'm also trying to figure out how you don't throw up every time you drink water or eat...


YDI, you break the rules, karma gets you.

A very stupid rule at that, I'd say chew gum over stinky breath

There are so many breath alternatives, if this occurred in the morning, they could've brushed their teeth. They could've used the gum before (or after) class, not in between. They could've gotten Tic-Tacs, breath freshening sprays, or, if worse comes to worst, some small hard candy.

Som3Rand0mGam3r 9

But did you guys know that chewing any type of mint gum while studying and then chewing the same kind later during a test helps with remembering what you studied before hand? It's because the human brain associates the things we learn with other senses to recall them easier later. This is why some high schools tried handing out hard candy mints during testing a couple years back. They couldn't hand out gum because of those who may have had braces which is common for high schoolers.

Where did he reference his own life in his comment?

it's not a stupid rule. people leave their gum on the floor, under the desk, etc. it ruins things people pay good money for.

Also, am I the only one hugely uncomfortable with the use of the non-word "b-line" as opposed to "beeline"?

Actually I know a lot of people that have that problem. Usually they don't have to do anything to throw up it just kinda happens. However for the people I know they actually have a hernia causing it

My good sir, she obviously gains nourishment through the process of photosynthesis. It's all the rage these days!

I don't understand how swallowing one small piece of gum led to this. Sorry, OP.

rhiannahoward14 19

you could have put it on the roof of your mouth...

Or be a rebel and blatantly chew that gum :)

doraaa01 7

or be a rebel and spit it into your teacher's hand :)

xluciferx666 21

Well you learned a lesson for next time then huh?

Maybe the teacher didnot see it, as it was covered by something else? And i hope you atleast got the rest of the day off....

jordanashley211 20

I would probably die right then and there.

It's gum, and this may be one of the worst situations that could have happened. Funny how you break the rules and there are immediate consequences . I'm also trying to figure out how you don't throw up every time you drink water or eat...

toowie_fml 20

Maybe it's like the same reaction some people get when swallowing pills? You'd think it should be easy because you swallow food bigger than that, but for some reason it's still difficult for some.