By Evil_Angel_90 - 10/09/2013 11:36 - Australia

Today, in order to try and get over my slight fear of swans, I went down to the local park to feed them. One decided that I looked tastier than the bread I was throwing and chased me around the feeding area while everybody laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 028
You deserved it 6 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you tried to overcome your fear. Don't listen to the people who laughed at you.

Swans have long necks, so they're very easy to strangle. They're also delicious when served over pasta.


They are actually pretty aggresive birds, don't feel embarrased about it

I think anyone would have ran...those swans can take a hand saying that I might have made your fear worse..,

No they can't take off ur hands!! They can break bones like ur arm and hit you so hard you'll feel like you have been punched. But they can't cut ur hands off

Swans are actually mean. They have been known to try to drown people.

you live in Australia where the deadliest animals in the world live and you are scared of a swan......

Let's watch you go take on a swan then. They said SLIGHT fear of swans. Have you ever tangled with one of those suckers? They won't hesitate to hurt you, the bite, scratch, and there has even been cases where they drowned people.

I spend a lot of time in nature. I respect animals for their majestic beauty, so when people try to feed wild animals that's what they get. but, if a swan try to fight me I'd certainly win and I wouldn't be scared. I'd win against you too...but the swan would put up more of a fight!

Geese are some scary motherfuckers too. I try to avoid all birds.

You live in australia and swans are what you are afraid of?!

I'm not a fan of swans, it's actually illegal to kill swans in the UK... The Queen 'owns' them.

You shouldn't kill them anyway, regardless of who "owns" them.

Starting by feeding the Ducks wouldn't have kept some Swan from chasing her