By Evil_Angel_90 - 10/09/2013 11:36 - Australia

Today, in order to try and get over my slight fear of swans, I went down to the local park to feed them. One decided that I looked tastier than the bread I was throwing and chased me around the feeding area while everybody laughed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 028
You deserved it 6 268

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you tried to overcome your fear. Don't listen to the people who laughed at you.

Swans have long necks, so they're very easy to strangle. They're also delicious when served over pasta.


It was trying to give you a "thank you" hug

My girl friend is scared about almost any fluffy animals. And she said she'll never try to over come it, and the only thing she needs to do is to keep away from them...

Azellia 15

Bread is not good for wildlife. Just for future reference.

You should teach your kid from young like at the age of one to swim. Not swim but at least float and tread water I'm a professional swimmer and also used to life guard trust me its a good thing for them to learn also don't give them life jackets or they'll always want to depend on it.

Yusomadbro_fml 4

I would chocked the motherf**ker swan

Shade98 6

It's ok to be afraid of swans. I'm terrified of geese. They might not have fangs, but they sure do bite!

Swans are actually bad-tempered and aggressive and when they smack someone with their wings it's like being hit with a baseball bat. They can even kill people. Beautiful on the outside, ugly on the inside, just like humans.

Garnetshaddow 30

That sucks... Big birds are actually pretty mean. I hope you're ok!