By drugsforthugs - 18/11/2014 17:26 - United States - Sierra Madre

Today, in the middle of a boring class, my friend offered me some Smarties. We're not allowed to eat in class, but I had a couple anyway. As I put them in my mouth, my "friend" stood up and yelled that I was doing ecstasy. I might actually get expelled. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 294
You deserved it 4 446

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You should have spit them out and proven that it was candy, then get some new ******* friends

Just ask for a drugs test. They can't expel you on the little evidence.


Take them out of your mouth then it would be obvious they were not drugs

Put a bag of sugar in your "friend's" backpack and tell the teacher you saw cocaine in his backpack.

Knightchaser27 25

Isn't real cocaine really expensive

nikojhavlin 12

Im sure it was meant as joke but if it wasn't you need a new friend. I feel you

Hopefully your friend didn't give you real ecstasy that they put in smarties packaging or anything.

The cruel part would be if it was actually ecstasy that his "friend" gave him.

And that's why I'm careful with who I hang around with.

Spit them out and show them it's smarties? If it really was ecstasy then you're screwed. Also be sure to check if there were cameras in the class. It could save your butt.

Uhh BS.. All can be disproven by a drug test.