By Anonymous - 07/10/2010 19:28 - United States

Today, in the middle of class, I sneezed out the biggest, wettest booger I have ever seen in my life. I'd used the inside of my elbow to cover my nose, but I neglected to notice that my hair had fallen over my shoulder. I couldn't get it all out of my hair and I don't think any believed me when I said it was hair gel. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 177
You deserved it 5 971

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MissGrinch 4

54 and 63, respect other languages please! 1, if you must speak in Spanish, there is a Spanish version of FML for your convenience.


Jessi2487 0

lmao this is my new favorite FML haha hair gel

nasty ass. why didn't you just ask to go to the bathroom right away to wash off your hair and wash your hands! you're filthy.

denvan 0

I sneezed out a pepperoni chunk during lecture. I feel your pain.

FLCL4711Fox 0

I hope some pedobear/perv tried smelling your hair and was like"WTF?! is that boogers?!

Urgh I had an embarrassing time today with my cold xD That sucks though OP. It will be forgotten soon enough :)