By TheTacoMan - 01/02/2015 21:12

Today, in the middle of my haircut, the hairdresser went into labor. They never finished cutting it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 109
You deserved it 4 703

TheTacoMan tells us more.

OP here, I wasn't saying that she should come back to complete my hair cut, I was talking about everyone else who was working there. Luckily the hair cutter made it to the hospital in time, and she gave birth to a healthy boy, or so they said over the phone. I came back the next day and they finished cutting my hair... For half price.

Top comments

A07 48

Have you honestly been waiting for your hairdresser to return?

I give her props for working as a hairdresser while pregnant that far along. I don't imagine they sit down very much.


don't you know looking like shit is popular right now? maybe she did finish.

No words can explain the stupidity of her life choices, btw FL op

How are her life choices stupid? Many pregnant women keep working up until a month or so so before their due date, and I assume she went into early labor.

Some women don't even go on maternity leave until they go into labor. How exactly are her life choices stupid? Pregnancy is painful and uncomfortable, and women who work while they're that fat along should be commended for their dedication to the job. I get that not that many men understand what pregnancy entails, but even so, show a little compassion, shit.

Are you talking about hair or umbilical cord?

taybear0 14

it may have been a local family type salon with minimal workers, they may have closed shop to go with her the the hospital

You could have asked another hair dresser to finish it. I'm sure they would have been pleased to make you happy unless you were in this chicks basement at her own 'beauty salon'. So if you have an unfinished haircut, you should have said something.

Man that sucks.... I mean the only thing worse than having an unfinished haircut is going into labor on the job =.

YDI for being so inconsiderate. Do you really believe that your hairdresser would finish your haircut as she's going into labor? Boo-hoo, you can wait. The baby can't.

No but another person working there could've finished it, even if OP had to wait for a while. OP paid to get a haircut; I'd be kind of pissed off too.

If I were you, I'd go back there and make her apologize for interrupting your haircut to give birth.

I think by "they", OP meant the other staff at the salon rather than the woman who was just about to give birth. You'd think that one of the other people working there would've been able to finish the haircut.